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Elang Hitam

Indonesia Ceases Elang Hitam UCAV Development

Yulian Ardiansyah - : Sep 16, 2022 - : 5:37 pm

Indonesia will no longer pursue the development of the Elang Hitam drone as a military platform, said the Chairman of the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), Laksana Tri Handoko as reported by Janes.com on Thursday (Sept. 15).

He further stated that the resources for the development of the Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicle (UCAV) will be diverted to the civilian sector, effectively disbanding the project’s consortium that was established in 2017. The Indonesian Ministry of Defense, Indonesian Air Force (TNI-AU), PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PTDI), PT Len Industri, the National Institute of Aviation and Space (LAPAN), the Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT), and the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) were the members of this consortium.

After the first Elang Hitam prototype was unveiled in 2019, the dissolution of LAPAN and BPPT into BRIN in 2021 practically halted the project.

Furthermore, after news about BRIN’s decision to divert its development into a civilian drone broke out last July, the Indonesian Ministry of Defense and TNI-AU responded that they will pull themselves out of the project.

Even though it was listed as one of the strategic and priority projects of the Indonesian president, Joko Widodo, the cancelation of the Elang Hitam UCAV project has put a blow to the country’s desire to develop and manufacture its own unmanned combat aerial platform. To date, three unarmed Wulung UAVs made by PTDI are the only locally developed drones operated by TNI-AU. These UAVs only see limited deployment due to their short-range, low-altitude, and low-endurance.

Currently, TNI-AU only has six Chinese-made CH-4B Rainbows armed with AR-1 and AR-2 missiles as its UCAV platform. While the service previously expressed its interest in acquiring UCAVs from NATO/Western sources (with candidates ranging from Turkey’s Bayraktar TB2, Akinci, and TAI Anka, to American-made General Atomics MQ-9 Reaper), no further progress has been reported since.


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